Christine is an artist. She visits the Louvre, the Metropolitan Art Museum, and the British Museum virtually. With her slow modem, looking at artwork used to take a long time, but now that she keeps the pages she likes, she can return to them again and again.

Don has collected stamps since his twenties. Now he uses the internet to research their history. He keeps relevant articles, because finding them is like finding a needle in a haystack. As Arthur C Clarke once said about the internet "Why go to the Niagara Falls, if all you want is a cup of water?"

Avid Sports enthusiast Dave keeps statistics and video highlights of the lastest games. His extensive collection has helped him win bets against his friends.

Scientist Jing saves research papers to take home with her on her laptop. She used to print things out, but she didn't like the mess, and this way she always has something to read if a meeting gets too boring.

Andy is a Web Designer. He loves being creative. He uses Find It! Keep It! to show prospective clients his work without having to gain access to their internet connection.

As a senior sales representative, Erik often flies around the world. Before every trip, his secretary would collect the documents she thought he would need from the corporate intranet. Unfortunately she often missed something vital. Now that Erik uses Find It! Keep It! at work, he knows his collection is always up to date... and he can take the day's news with him to read on airplanes without Internet access!

Doctor Aaron keeps prescription instructions to take with him when visiting patients. He can give patients print outs for most of their conditions from his extensive portable library.